Civic Engagement

Government & Party Structure

Understanding the structure and operations of the recognized parties, their structure and their influence on government. 

Voting rights

Exploring our rights in a participatory democracy at every level of enfranchisement.

White Hat Research & Policy Group informs citizens and decision-makers on issues of critical importance to Arizona. Our goal is to constructively contribute to the discussion and shape policy-making at the state and local level.

We are currently seeking a researchers to prepare in-depth white papers on the following two topics: 

Voting rights and voter suppression in Arizona. Arizona has an unfortunate history of voter suppression and its current voter participation rate lags behind many other states. This white paper should discuss the history of voter participation and attacks on voting rights in Arizona and survey the current climate on this issue, including the influence of state and national legislation, policy changes, and court decisions.

We are also seeking a researcher to prepare an in-depth white paper on the topic of Arizona’s political parties and their structure with a particular focus on the role of Precinct Committeeman. This white paper will explore the history and current composition of all of Arizona’s political parties. It should discuss the evolution of each party through legislation and an understanding of its operations based on their respective bylaws. Lastly, it should also examine the influence political parties have on the composition of the state government.

Project Guidelines

Each white paper will be 20-30 pages and synthesize the secondary research on the specified topic. The paper will be made publicly available on the WHRPG website and distributed to relevant stakeholders. The principal researcher will be credited as author but the final product will be subject to editing and approval by the WHRPG staff.

Each white paper should include the following:

1. 1-2 page Executive Summary
2. Methodology
3. History of the Issue in Arizona
4. Current Landscape in Arizona
5. Review of current and proposed policies, legislation and regulations
6. Discussion of Intersection with Other WHRPG Targeted Issues
7. Citation and References (Chicago Manual of Style)

Application Requirements

Applicants to write for WHRPG should have a graduate degree or be currently enrolled in a graduate program directly related to the subject matter of the white paper.

Interested applicants are required to submit the following:

1. Letter of intent explaining the area and subtopic the applicant is interested in writing in
2. Current C.V.
3. Sample of previous work
4. 200-250 word abstract for proposed white paper
5. Letter of recommendation (optional) 

Contact us!

We look forward to hearing from you.